Blindly Strasy Cat Determined To Find A Home For Herself And Her Kittens
Near the house of an old couple, Mama Clue was discovered to be residing outside. The lovely cat’s eyes were totally crusted shut when the couple’s son…

Woman Saves Kittens With Paralysis And Transforms Their Lives Forever
Due to the particular requirements of a paraplegic cat, caring for one might be challenging. Many individuals have given up on them because of this and do…

Rescuers Returned To Find Their Mother After Discovering Kittens In T Rubbish Bag
An animal rights advocate in Los Angeles named Brenda Ortiz learned about a family of cats that had been dumped in the South Central neighborhood. Four kittens…

Woman’s Porch Visits By Pregnant Cat Seeking Adoption
You will learn from this tale that cats have a way of winning your heart and altering it irrevocably. A ginger and white cat entered a woman’s…

A Timid Kitty With A Palm Showed Courage And A Want To Survive
A little cat was discovered in front of a residence in Las Vegas by a compassionate neighbor. The identical little brothers and sisters were within a few…

Cat Finds A Scent He Thought He’d Never Smell Again And Is Heartbroken By It
Months have passed since Zeus the cat bid a fond farewell to his deceased companion Sam the dog. The bereaved cat still harbors a deep affection for…

Cat Sneaks In To Nap With New Baby After Pretending Not To Like Her
In a shelter for over half of his life, Sunny awaited adoption by his forever family. He was overjoyed when they finally did and fell in love…

Kitty Was Saved From The Verge Of Death and Now He’s An Internet Star
A little, motherless ginger cat was discovered on the side of the road by a vet student called Lindsey in the summer. The kitten was brought in…

Having Been Rejected By Everyone Else A Cat With Four Ears Finds Its Forever Home
Yoda is a two-year-old house cat that was born with four ears but otherwise appears to have great hearing and is in good overall condition. Yoda was…

Kittens with snow-white fur With Their Huge Eyes And Caresses Loki And Sylvia Are Eager To Conquer You
Kathleen, a veterinary nurse and newborn kitten carer in Jacksonville, Florida, took up two kittens from a local pet clinic after they were found on the street….