Blindly Strasy Cat Determined To Find A Home For Herself And Her Kittens

Near the house of an old couple, Mama Clue was discovered to be residing outside. The lovely cat’s eyes were totally crusted shut when the couple’s son dropped by for a visit. Three small kittens were waiting for her when he followed her to the cave where she had been resting.

Mama Clue knew she and her children require help, so as soon as she had the chance, she directed someone to them.

The man who found the little family contacted Coastal Bend Cat Rescue, who quickly agreed to sponsor a vet visit for Mama Clue and her kittens. The rescue didn’t have an open foster home at the time, but they knew they couldn’t just leave the family outside, so they quickly came up with a plan to make it work.

According to Mary Huckabee, an employee of Coastal Bend Cat Rescue, “at the time, [Mama Clue] was assumed to have serious eye infections that were just sealing her eyelids closed, and she was given an injection of antibiotics.” “We did some foster home rearranging and made place in a family with an experienced mom/baby foster for Clue and her babies since we were concerned for the health of the 1-week-old infants if they had to be outside with a sick mama.”

All three of the kittens had health issues that needed tending to, and everyone was so glad that they were rescued just in time. Once Mama Clue was settled in, her foster mom noticed that her eyes weren’t just infected — she had no normal eye tissue and had always been completely blind.

Somehow, though, she’d survived on her own and managed to be a great mom to her babies, including making sure they were found and taken somewhere safe.

The whole family was named after board games: Mama Clue, Candyland, Monopoly and Chutes and Ladders. The kittens all began to heal right away, and Mama Clue has continued to show again and again that she really is the best mom ever.

Mama Clue is a wonderful mother; her blindness doesn’t disturb her in the least, according to Huckabee. She adored having a Kitty Kasa to keep her kids safe in and was at first quite protective of them. When her foster mother took the infants out of their cube for daily weigh-ins and medicines, she would attentively monitor her.

On rare occasions, she was taken aback when a newborn meowed in a location she hadn’t anticipated. When the infants began to move around at around three weeks old, she was not very pleased since they kept moving around. Before she recognized she was waging a lost battle and that her infants were now ready to roam, she would take them back to “their area” again.

In addition to taking care of her infants, Mama Clue has become the sweetest person ever after feeling comfortable in her foster home. She like being scratched and having her tummy rubbed, and she always jumps up to welcome her foster mother.

Despite having spent her whole existence as an outdoor cat, she is overjoyed to be living the high life and has no intention of ever going back.

Once everyone is old enough and completely healed, the kittens and Mama Clue will all be ready to find their forever homes. Until then, they’re enjoying life in the safety of the home that Mama Clue found for them.


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