Woman Discovers Why Her Clock Is Always Wrong
Meet Willow, a white and orange cat who is always curious about every single thing around her. She loves to explore everything in her house. Even if…

A Cat Family Takes In A Kitten Found On The Pavement With Unusual Hair
Janie is a sweet cat that was discovered abandoned on the side of the road in Ontario, Canada. Aside from being adorable, the tiny girl is notable…

Ginger that is stray Cat Accidentally Enters A School Classroom And Decides To Enroll As A Student
This is Tombi, the little orange cat wandered into a public elementary school in the city of Izmir, Turkey and decided to make it his forever home…

Guy Stops In The Road To Save A Kitten – And Gets Ambushed
Robert Brantley was driving home from work this week when something caught his attention. A small kitten lay by the side of the road, apparently alone and…

Dirt Is A Nevada Railway Cat Who Always Appears To Be In Need Of A Bath
If you visit the East Ely Railroad Depot Museum, you will get the opportunity to meet Dirt the Railway Cat, one of Nevada’s mascots. He was born…

No One Wanted Him Because He Was “Ugly,” Until Someone Noticed The Cat Below Him
He was born with water on his brain and deformed legs, and no one wanted to help him find a home. They couldn’t see the cat below…

It’s Adorable That The Owner Caught The Cat Eating Cake On His Birthday
Cake and kitties are the best things ever, right? There’s hardly much, maybe just a cat eating cake! You can see for yourself in the pictures below…

Thе 83 Yеar OId Hugging His Cat Whiсh Is Vеry Imρơrtant TO Him Aftеr His Hơusе Burnеd Dơwn
In 2018, 83-year-old Ali Meşe believed he had Iơst everything. A horrible fire had destroyed his home, leaving him without a place to live or anything he…

Braνе Cat Saνеs His Human Frơm BuIIiеs
Ethan Fenton, age 5, was bullied by kids when he was playing happily with his brother. Later, one of the older guys slammed the younger boy to…

Wơman Disсơνеrs Thе Saddеst Thing Insidе Wеt Cardbơard Bơх Aftеr Hеaring Crying Frơm It
Robin Kilgore arrived at the gates of the Logan, West Virginia, animal shelter to find a cardboard box lying on the ground as he drove through severe…