Braνе Cat Saνеs His Human Frơm BuIIiеs
Ethan Fenton, age 5, was bullied by kids when he was playing happily with his brother. Later, one of the older guys slammed the younger boy to…

Wơman Disсơνеrs Thе Saddеst Thing Insidе Wеt Cardbơard Bơх Aftеr Hеaring Crying Frơm It
Robin Kilgore arrived at the gates of the Logan, West Virginia, animal shelter to find a cardboard box lying on the ground as he drove through severe…

Thе Kitеn Is JơyfuI As Hе Maкеs His First Triеs At WaIкing And Running On aII Fơur Lеgs
Red Rubiks has twisted rear legs from birth. He was brought to the animal rights group Chatons Orphelins Montréal (Montreal, Canada) a few weeks ago with his…

This Clingy Cat Always Begs For Cuddles And Hugs From His Dad
If you own dogs, especially needy ones, you probably no longer understand the concept of personal space. In actuality, they make every effort to get your attention….

The Family Gave The Kitten Needed Help As He Was Fighting For His Life
A pregnant cat that was discovered on the property earlier this year gave birth to a lamb. To assist find responsible guardians for the kittens, the farm…

Woman Hears Squeaking Coming From Bushes Then Sees The Tiniest Face
One late afternoon, a woman in her garden noticed a little, squeaky sound emanating from the bushes. After some time spent poking about in the bushes, the…

When A Mother Cat Becomes Ill A Stray Cat Helps Raise The Newborn Kittens
Hoonie, a 16-year-old cat, has experienced many changes recently, but one thing hasn’t changed: Hoonie’s favorite stuffed cat, a gray and white cat, is still at his…

Cat Travels 12 Miles To Se His Left Behind Family
The cat’s family sent Toby away to a new home in February. He was being forced to leave his family, but he had no idea why, and…