Thе Kitеn Is JơyfuI As Hе Maкеs His First Triеs At WaIкing And Running On aII Fơur Lеgs

Red Rubiks has twisted rear legs from birth. He was brought to the animal rights group Chatons Orphelins Montréal (Montreal, Canada) a few weeks ago with his sister Boo, hoping for the best.

“Rubix’s rear legs were bent 180 degrees, so the feet were facing the exact other way. He moved with his rear legs and front paws,” claims animal rights advocate Celine Krom.

The infant with the malformed legs didn’t even appear to be aware of his condition. He simply wanted to play with feathers at the clinic. He was incredibly kind and approachable.

He is an attention seeker and always ready to play. It tries to catch everything that moves, and then attaсk with all its might. Nothing can stop him from having a good time.

To provide the boy with a better standard of living, the rеscuеrs took him to an orthopedic specialist. It was decided that surgery to correct the position of the hind legs was the best option for the kitten.

“The sooner such an operation is done, the more likеly it will work,” Celine says.

“As the kitten grows, the deformity will only get worse due to constant stress on the tendons. We want to give him every chance for a normal no pain and quality life that he deserves.”


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