Put a roll of paper towel in your fridge: electricity bill is halved and your family will get these amazing benefits

I’m sure most of us have a few rolls of paper towel in the kitchen at all times. And although this household product is great for cleaning and wiping up spills, paper towel can also work wonders in the fridge.

Yes – in the fridge! It may sound odd, but paper towels are the secret weapon when it comes to keeping produce fresh for longer.

According to Reader’s Digest, paper towels in the fridge are actually a great way to ensure that your vegetables stay fresh for an even longer period of time.

This is a great solution for those who are looking to enjoy their vegetables and are tired of watching them wither away inside of the fridge.

It all starts by lining your produce drawer with paper towels every single time that you bring some fresh produce home.

The hack works best as long as the paper towels are replaced each time. If the produce is brought home inside of a singular bag, throw a paper towel inside with them.

The other helpful aspect of this comes into play when the produce drawer is not getting as dirty as it once did. That’s a major plus for those who do not want to spend their days cleaning the fridge.

Few things make me more frustrated than food waste. Especially with the price of fresh produce these days, it pains me to see fruits and veggies go bad before we’ve had a chance to finish them. This is where paper towel comes in.

Before placing your produce in the crisper drawers, line them with paper towel. If you have bags of spinach or lettuce, add a sheet or two of paper towel into these bags as well.

Over time, your fruits and veggies release the water they’ve been storing. When produce sits in this water for periods of time, it becomes soggy and wilts.

The paper towel absorbs this excess moisture, leaving your fruits and veggies fresher for longer.

Maybe you already knew about this hack, but if you didn’t, now is the time to try it!

Something as simple as a few sheets of paper towel can make all the difference when it comes to storing your produce, decreasing your food waste, and saving you money in the long run.

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