I don’t know when or why this idea first occurred to me. Maybe it was the super moist hibiscus sorbet I made a few years ago or the ice cold quality of fresh frozen fruit juice, but either way I’m now convinced that the cream homemade ice cream is the easiest and most delicious creation I have made in a long time.
First of all, it’s guilt-free on all counts. It’s made with three vegan ingredients, gluten-free, and ready to eat in about 10 minutes. I mean, what don’t you like? I’m a genius, right? !!!
Turns out there’s a place called Disneyland or Disney Galaxy or somewhere like that and they seem to do this thing called Dole Whip which turns out after four minutes of intense Googling it looks a lot like pineapple totally magical sponge cake that I just made!
Do not tell my children that I made this discovery. They don’t need another reason to hate Brave Me because they’re the only kids on the planet who haven’t been to Disneyland. Besides, the fact that I’ve never been there before doesn’t make much difference to them.
Just because I’m not the culinary prodigy you thought I was shouldn’t stop you from making this silky, light-as-air ice cream. It’s as simple as putting frozen pineapple in a food processor, adding a little coconut milk, a splash of agave syrup for sweetness, blending everything together until be smooth and edible!
You should eat the ice cream right away if you want the classic light-as-air texture. You can completely put it in the freezer and let it harden, but eventually it will harden completely and look more like granita than ice cream; Leave it on the counter for 10-15 minutes to pick it up again.
°2 cups frozen pineapple chunks
°8 ounces frozen whipping cream (like Cool Whip)
°3 tablespoons of honey or 2 tablespoons of sugar
°6 ounces of pineapple juice
Blend all ingredients in a power blender or food processor until smooth.
If the mixture is too runny, add 1/4 cup ice and mix again.
To make it more like a creamy batter, transfer the mixture to a star-shaped piping bag and pour into mugs.
Enjoy !

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