Man Unexpectedly Returns Early from Work to Surprise Wife & Sees Stranger’s Car near Home

A husband forgot it was his day off and went to work. Moments later, he hurried home to surprise his wife, but as he crept into his apartment, he heard weird noises coming from their bedroom.

A husband posted on Reddit’s “Cheating Stories” sub under the username Equivalent_Stock_971 explaining how he was destroyed after returning home to surprise his wife while she believed he was away at work.

Recalling the incident on Reddit, the original poster (OP) said he was an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) trainee in 2010. He was 27 and happily married to his wife of two years, a career planner in the Marines.

Although their work schedules mostly overlapped, their days off were different. OP’s job permitted him to switch days with his trainees and take a day off. So, one day, he had forgotten he’d swapped a day with a fellow trainee and left for work on his day off.

What Happened When the Man Arrived Home Unannounced?

After laughing it off at his workplace, OP headed home to surprise his wife. When he reached his flat, he noticed a Dodge Challenger parked on his spot. He felt weird since ample visitor parking space was available.

Nonetheless, he silently crept into his apartment, wanting to surprise his wife, and heard strange noises coming from his bedroom. Since the bedroom door was wide open, OP heard it loud and clear.

The last straw came eight months later when the woman’s affair partner contacted OP, pleading for a favor.

He assumed his wife was alone watching “adult videos” and recalled them watching such things often together. “Wow…I can catch her solo,” he thought, wanting to surprise her with embarrassment.

But as he inched closer to their bedroom, something about the sounds he heard didn’t add up. Although the noises sounded familiar, OP couldn’t recognize the video clip. The man said he froze when he got to the door’s threshold.

He gaped at the hair-raising sight of his wife in bed with another man. Around 15 seconds later, OP’s wife looked towards the door. She was shocked as she breathed heavily and angrily looked at him and said he wasn’t supposed to be there, to which he responded, “Today is ‘MY’ day off??”

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