Crockpot Meatballs and Little Smokies

Crockpot Meatballs and Little Smokies can be found at just about every Holiday party or family get-together. There’s all kinds of different combinations, but this has been the go-to recipe for my family. You can make homemade meatballs or use your favorite frozen meatballs from the store.

You can adapt this recipe to suit your family! These are great with meatballs and little smokies combined, but you could also do just meatballs or just little smokies.


  • Frozen meatballs (1 lb)
  • 1 pack of Little Smokies (1.75 lb)
  • 1 cup BBQ sauce
  • 1 cup Grape jelly
  • 12 oz Chili sauce
  • 1 tsp Red pepper flakes

Prep Meatballs and Little Smokies

To make the meatballs and little smokies, start by gathering all ingredients needed for the recipe.

For the meatballs you can make homemade meatballs (which is what I prefer) or you can use a bag of your favorite frozen meatballs.

When it comes to the Little Smokies, my family prefers the all beef little smokies, but those are sometimes harder to find than the pork variety.

Go ahead and measure out the correct amounts of bbq sauce, grape jelly, and red pepper flakes needed for the recipe.

Make Meatballs and Little Smokies

To make the meatballs and little smokies, start by spraying a crockpot with cooking spray.

Combine the meatballs and package of little smokies in the crockpot. I like to drain the juices from the package of little smokies before adding them.

Next, add 12 oz of Chili sauce, 1 cup of bbq sauce, 1 cup of grape jelly, and 1 tsp of red pepper flakes.

Do your best to stir well, cover with the lid, and cook on high for about 2 hours. I like to stir a couple of times while this cooks.

Once the meatballs and little smokies are hot and the sauce is well combined you can turn the crockpot to low.

Serve Meatballs and Little Smokies

Now it’s time to eat! These are the perfect little appetizer for any get-together. We actually had these for an appetizer night at home with Crockpot Sausage Cheese Dip and Jalapeno Cream Cheese Pinwheels.

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