You’re in for a treat! Spanakopita is a deliciously savory Greek pie made with perfectly crunchy layers of filo dough and a comforting filling of spinach and feta cheese. I’m sharing my family’s favorite spanakopita recipe, complete with step-by-step tips, video, and photos. Believe me, this is much easier than you think!
Spanakopita is a hearty, hearty Greek pie made from perfectly flaky phyllo dough with a comforting filling of spinach and feta cheese. If you’re not familiar with filo dough, it’s layers of thin pastry dough, usually found in the freezer section next to things like pie crust and pretzels.
Spanakopita can be made in a large casserole like in today’s recipe, or as hand pies in triangles or even rolls.
*ingredients :
°1 egg
°125 ml (half a c) milk
°125ml (3/5 c) vegetable oil
°2 t of water
°1 t of salt
°Spinach feta
°salt pepper
°3 rolls of filo dough
°1 egg yolk
Mixing eggs, milk, oil, water also salt in a bowl.
Lay out a sheet of filo dough, pour a little of the mixture and spread it all over the sheet. Repeat twice, about total of 3 layers.
Mixing feta cheese and cook spinach and spread on the filo dough. Rolling from one end to other to get a strip.
Cut to triangles and place on baking sheet.
Brush every triangle with egg yolk.
Sprinkle with poppy seeds and bake at 180°C (356°F) for 15 minutes.

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