Can there really be such a thing? Heaven in a bowl? I did actually research this dilemma only to find that it is true. There really is heaven in a bowl. It involves some of my very favorite treat ingredients and it is all in one delightful dish. Having it in one dish saves me from embarrassment,


  • 1 Pkg.Of Fudge Brownie Mix.
  • 2 Pkgs.Of Miniature Reeses.
  • 4 Cups.Of Cold Milk; preferably 2%.
  • 2 Pkgs.Of instant vanilla pudding.
  • 1 Cup.Of creamy Peanut butter.
  • 4 Tsp.Of Vanilla extract.
  • Thawed cool whip; I used 2 cans.Of 8-oz.

How To Make Heaven In A bowl

1st Step

To make the brownie batter, just follow the directions on the box. Then, pour the batter into a 12×9-inch pan that has been buttered.

2nd Step

Set oven temperature to 350 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes. When a toothpick inserted in the center comes out with moist crumbs, the cake is baking.

3rd Step

Put it on a wire rack to cool once you’ve taken it out of the oven. When cool, slice into 3-quarter-inch-thick slices. The peanut butter cups should be halved and used as a garnish. Place aside.

4th Step

In a large bowl, beat the pudding with the milk for 2 minutes. A thick mixture is the desired consistency. Put in the vanilla extract and peanut butter. And combine thoroughly. Mix in 1 1/2 cups of whipped topping.

5th Step

Place one-third of the brownies in a glass dish that holds 5 quarts. Top with the remaining peanut butter cups and a third of the pudding.

6th Step

Layer it again, and again. Finally, sprinkle the remaining topping and the saved peanut butter cups on top. Put in the refrigerator for a few minutes to chill before serving.

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