Grandma’s Country White Bread Recipe!!!

I love those recipes that we all grew up with, they are just too good to miss out on.

Great recipe. I made it like Grandma Van Doren probably did, using regular flour, because I’m sure “bread flour” did not exist when Grandma was feeding her hungry family. Hint: Double the yeast to halve the rising time. It’s a real time saver.

Homemade Amish white bread is perfect on day one for burgers, and the next day for French toast, grilled cheese, or toast. A wonderful homemade recipe for bread which is an absolute treasure.

The products were so simple that nothing at all was outlandish. Sugar, water, and yeast. I knew this was something that I was going to end up tossing away, but I thought I was going to do it again. It’s a Really cheap bread to produce and if it were a failure, I wouldn’t be out much.To Make this Recipe You’Il Need the following ingredients:


2 large eggs

2 CUPS.Of All-purpose flour.

1 CUP.Of canola oil

1 CUP.Of Regular White sugar

1 CUP.Of nuts or raisins (optional)

1/3 CUP.Of Whole milk

2 TBSP.Of cinnamon powder.

1+1/2 TSP.Of vanilla extract.

1/2 TSP.Of Kosher salt

1/2 TSP.Of baking powder.

1/2 TSP.Of baking soda.

I set my oven temperature to 160 degrees C.


Step 1:

I mixed the ingredients in two large bowls, one for the wet and the other for dry ingredients. Then I combined them together and I let the rest for 30 mins.

Step 2:

I greased a pair of large loaf pans.

Step 3:

In a small bowl, I mixed 1/2 cup of white sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
And I sprinkled the greased pans.

Step 4:

I poured the dough into the molds then I sprinkled the top with the remaining of the sugar+cinnamon combination.

Step 5:

I baked for 50 to 60 minutes checking the doneness by inserting a toothpick in the center of the loaves which should come out dry.

Enjoy cooking!

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