These stuffed cabbage rolls are super comforting and a great departure from the typical winter treats. It is filled with ground beef, onion, garlic, dill and a pinch of nutmeg. The cabbage rolls are slowly cooked in a marinara sauce until they melt in your mouth. delicious.
Stuffed cabbage rolls are a classic comfort food recipe that has been around for ages. It’s really easy to make and uses readily available ingredients that you can find at your local grocery store. This is a great dinner or even appetizer recipe. With a delicious filling wrapped in cabbage and surrounded by tomato sauce, you can whip up a truly hearty meal that will feed a whole family with affordable ingredients.
°1 kale
°600g pork
°150g Rice
°2 onions
°20cl broth chicken
°2 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil
°300g Tomato coulis
°1 tsp. paprika mocha
°12 stalks of green spring onions
*Preparation steps
Removing stalk from your cabbage, removing first leaves & strip it. Remove the large ribs from your cabbage leaves.
In  pot, boil  quantity of salt water. Immerse your cabbage leaves in portions of 4 also blanch them for 10 min. Refreshing them immediately in ice water to maintain their beautiful color.
Removing first skin from your onions also chop them.
Frying onions in olive oil with  salt for 5 min, taking care to stir regularly to avoid coloring.
In a saucepan, cook the rice in salted water according to the instructions on the package.
In a bowl, mix the ground pork with the rice, onions, salt and pepper.
Plunge your spring onion green stalks to  pot of boiling water for a seconds. Refresh them directly.
Garnished blanched cabbage leaves with stuff then closed whole thing with green onions.
Placing your stuffed cabbage in  gratin dish. Moist with chicken broth. Cover with a sheet of aluminum foil. Baking at 180°C for 45 min.
In a saucepan, heat the tomato coulis.
Pour coulis into a serve dish. Placing stuffed cabbage leaves on this bed.
Decorate each small package of stuffed cabbage with a little paprika.
Enjoy !

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