Put salt in the toilet – This is something plumbers will never tell you

Put salt in the toilet – This is something plumbers will never tell you.

Salt is one of the most fundamental seasonings in every cuisine in the world. But as much as it makes every dish tastier, salt has other usage too.

Have you ever tried using salt in order to clean something or get rid of stains? If not, we’ll show you how.

1. Salt can fix the odor in the toilet

Coarse salt is excellent at eliminating odors and it’s a key ingredient to a number of cleaning solutions. If you want to try its effectiveness, just place a tumbler of coarse salt into the bowl of the toilet and leave it there overnight. It will absorb any unpleasant scents.

In the morning, just pour a cattle of boiling water into the toilet.

2. Salt as a drain cleaner

If your drain is clogged, you can try to fix it without calling a plumber by putting a lot of salt in the drain, similar as to how you put it in the dishwasher.

Leave it for some time, the best would be overnight, and pour hot, almost boiling water, into the drain the following morning.

3. Remove stains with salt: A natural alternative to chemicals

Removing stubborn yellow stains off walls, tubs, and toilet bowls may be a real pain.

The chemical cleaners can affect our health, so if you want to avoid using them, turn to a natural alternative.

In order to come up with a cleaning paste at home, use half a cup of salt, one teaspoon of baking soda, and water. Mix it well and then use it to get rid of the stains. How it’s done? Place the paste over the stains and leave it overnight. The next morning, rub it gently and then rinse it, and you are done.

4. Whitening

If you are in need of polishing the ceramics, just put some salt, either coarse or fine, into a bowl. Then use it to rub the ceramics with a brush. They will get brighter and would be sterilized.

Using salt in the process of cleaning can be both effective and will cost you less money than buying expensive products. Japanese have been using it for centuries.

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