Cat Returns Home From An Adventure With A Note Around His Neck

When it comes to the specifics of his amazing excursions, this cat is not one to provide much information. You are welcome to inquire, but he will not speak.

However, someone recently discovered a workaround that he was unaware of.

For three days, the cat had been missing from his home in Thailand, according to a now-viral post. When eventually did return home, he was likely confident that his goings-on during his time away would never be found out. Well, he was wrong.

Around the cat’s neck was a note.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that during his absence, the cat had found his way to a nearby fish market. He obviously conducted some “business” with one of the sellers there.

The message said, “Your cat kept eyeing the mackerels at my stall, so I gave him three.”

Now, one might assume the mackerel handoff was some act of charity. But apparently not.

The fish vendor went on to write their contact info down, too — presumably so that the cat’s owner could pay off the debt.

There’s no telling if the fact that the cat has been running up a tab while out and about has caused his owner to clamp down on his freedom to roam, but one thing is clear: Adventures, especially of the culinary sort, are always easier when someone else is footing the bill.


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