Woman’s Porch Visits By Pregnant Cat Seeking Adoption

You will learn from this tale that cats have a way of winning your heart and altering it irrevocably.

A ginger and white cat entered a woman’s home through the porch, making it her new residence. She brought her entire family, though, not just herself.

The home owner Rachel had no intention of adopting a cat until she opened the door and saw the cat with a belly full of kittens. Rachel decided to adopt the cat and gave her a new name – Boots.

After a full meal, Boots expressed her gratitude by purring and cuddling with her newly adopted human. The next morning, Rachel took the cat to a vet clinic for a check up. Thankfully, Boots was a healthy young mama and had four to five kittens in her belly.

“She was eating more food than I thought possible — it was quite impressive…. She now ran this house and completely overtook all of my usual sensibilities.”

On day, Rachel awoke and heard the tiny sound of kitten mews coming from Boots’ room. “We woke up to seven baby beans in a cute kitten pile! I was shocked,” Rachel said. “We got 6 orange tabbies that look like mama and one solid white.”

Rachel decided to name the kittens after the seven dwarves – Doc (white), Dopey, Sleepy, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, and Sneezy. When they are old enough, they will be adopted to loving homes.

Although it might be a little daunting, raising seven children is a really unique experience. When these kittens grow sweeter and plumper every day, Rachel is happy.

“Boots adopted me, and I simply went with her kittens,” she said. I adore every single one of them,” Rachel said.



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