Kitten Left Alone Sets Up Camp On Woman’s Front Step And Begs For

Little Nuggie was alone since she had no relatives. The 6-week-old kitten travelled far and wide in search of a loving and caring home. Then, one day, when she was too weak and hungry to continue, she happened to cross paths with the ideal person and made the decision that she should be the one to assist her. She wouldn’t accept “no” as an answer.

The day of her rescue, Nuggie perched herself up against the kind stranger’s windowpane and cried for help. When no one came to her aid, she cried a little longer. Eventually, Nuggie’s plan worked — the homeowner took notice and brought her inside to keep her safe until a local rescue could take over.

“A Detroit resident contacted us about a tiny kitten less than a pound on their porch,” May Walsh of Detroit Community Cat Rescue, told The Dodo. “They sent a photo, and we just couldn’t say no!”

May and her team jumped into action to bring Nuggie into their care. And, though she had a few minor health issues to start, things are looking up.

“She’s healthy and happy,” May said. “She loves to play just a little more than she likes to cuddle, but she’s still so sweet. She reminds us of a cricket because she jumps around. Her whiskers are longer than her body, so she sometimes trips over them!”

The energetic kitty is currently searching for her permanent home, where she will never again be alone.

May remarked, “Nuggie brought so much joy into my life and the shelter. She exemplifies why both humans and pets may benefit from rescue.


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