Guy Sleeps Outside And When He Awakens He Has A Kitten On His Stomach

Ali Safa anticipated having a relaxing day. His sole intentions were to relax and play video games at home in Canberra, Australia.

He walked outside to relax in the yard and take in some sunshine. But before he realized it, he was dozing off.

He was not alone himself when he woke up.

The Dodo quoted Safa as saying, “I was taking a nap on the balcony of our house and, around two hours later, I woke up and I discovered her peacefully snoozing on my tummy.” I initially believed she was a rat.

A tiny white kitten was sprawled across Safa’s stomach, purring contentedly. He looked down at her hairless pink ears and dirty little paws and felt something soften in his heart.

“I never really had a pet and I am a bit of a loner so I don’t have many friends, too,” Safa said. “While she was sleeping I kept hearing that ‘purr’ sound cats make and it was the cutest shit I have ever heard.”

Safa had seen plenty of stray cats roaming his neighborhood — but this was different. It was as if the kitten had somehow chosen him.

In disbelief, Safa snapped a quick selfie with the sleeping animal, careful not to wake her.

Safa said, “Whether she does have fleas, I probably already have fleas, so whatever. I wasn’t really upset if she had fleas or anything like that.

When the cat finally opened its eyes, she started making demands right away.

Safa said on Reddit, “The first thing she does is walk down [off] the sofa, stare me in the eyes, and meow constantly for 20 seconds.” Guess who’s sharing the chicken wings my mom made because she’s obviously hungry?

Once the kitten had eaten her share, Safa took her inside for a bath. After 10 minutes, he realized the gray splotches on her fur were actually markings and not dirt. The kitten was patient in the water, and Safa began to fantasize about adopting her.

“There really aren’t any house rules against pets in my family and she looked like she can use some family, so I was like, ‘Screw it, I’m keeping her,’” Safa said.

He came up with the perfect name for her: Angel.

A trip to the vet clinic revealed that the kitten was healthy and without a microchip. Safa then drove her to the local supermarket, where he purchased cat food and a few toys.

Only two weeks have passed since then, yet for Safa and Angel, everything has altered.

Safa has a companion that will never leave his side, and the small cat has a place of her own.

Safa remarked, “All I can say is that she is the most entertaining cat I have ever had the pleasure of playing with. All she does is wander around me all day long looking for attention or to play.

She would simply hop on my keyboard and settle between my arms while I worked on my laptop, Safa said. She would simply jump back up when given the attention she craves, so picking her up and putting her on the ground won’t help.


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