Cat Asks For Help Retrieving Hair Tie And Accidentally Reveals Her Hidden Stash

Aloe has resisted using typical cat toys ever since she was a kitten. She instead plays with her hair knots. They rank among her all-time favorite things. Aloe is a content cat as long as she has her hair ties.

Recently, Aloe’s mom noticed her lying on the floor with her paw outstretched, seemingly trying to get something that had gotten stuck under the washing machine. She figured it was a hair tie and went over to try and help — and ended up finding a big surprise.

Aloe’s mother, Anne Tam, told The Dodo, “I believed she had gotten a single hair tie jammed under there, so I grabbed a clothes hanger and slipped it under the washer.” “Look what came out—nearly 30 hair ties!”


When Aloe made it clear she needed help, she accidentally revealed her secret stash of hair ties, which hadn’t been the plan — but also, she absolutely loved having them all laid out in front of her like that, so it all worked out in the end.

“When Aloe saw them, I think she was in heaven,” Tam said. “She sat there and stared for a second and then started pawing at all of them (which caused some of them to fly back underneath the washer). It was a really hilarious sight to see.”

Of course, Aloe isn’t going to stop accumulating hair ties just because her mother discovered her stockpile. She will find a way to play with them and conceal them as long as they are lying about the home because they are her most valued treasures.


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