After A Kind Couple Fed A Stray Cat She Returned With Her Adorable Kitten

If you have a pet, you know that occasionally the animal selects the owner rather than the other way around.

The kind-hearted couple Ivie Lee and Jason reside in an apartment in Pasadena, California. The couple opened the entrance to the alley every morning to feed the stray cat, whom they frequently spotted prowling around their complex and had ragged black and white fur. The cat was given the name Mary, and they always made sure to have cat food on hand to give her when she arrived.

The couple fed the cat almost every day for a year, and they were happy about this. But one morning, Mary disappeared, and weeks went by, she still didn’t reappear. Jason and Ivie worried that the worst had happened to her.

Mary ultimately visited their area in July 2019, but this time she took a buddy along. “See what happened when she returned!” Ivie posted something on Twitter.

It turns out that Mary was pregnant and born one kitten, and now she’d brought her baby back to the home where she was fed before. Ivie and Jason were touched by the fact that Mary trusted them enough to bring her kitten to them.As soon as the couple saw Mary and the kitten they knew they had to do something to help them. So, Ivie and Jason decided to adopt Mary and her kitten.

They made arrangements to have Mary spayed while also bringing Mary and her kitten to the neighborhood vet clinic for a visit. Thankfully, the two were in good health, and Mary was currently resting and recovering. She was succeeding so much!

To gather money for their uninvited home guests, Ivie and Jason created a GoFundMe page. With the support of their Twitter followers, they were able to swiftly raise the $2,000 needed to cover the costs of the cats’ vaccinations, food, and other necessities.

Once Mary had recovered, Ivie and Jason officially adopted her and her kitten, and they quickly settled into their new home. If you’d like to see more photos of Mary and her kitten, you can visit Ivie’s Twitter page.

Please share this story with your friends and family to encourage more people to help homeless pets who need love.



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