A Kind Hearted Woman Adopts A Cat That Was Rejected Due To All Illness

Due to some complications from his mother during pregnancy the kitten was born with water in the brain and deformed legs. Because of her appearance no one wanted to help her find a home.

But everything changed when Nancy Lynch, in collaboration with Kaley’s Place Rescue, determined that Zeke was 3 months old and despite the problems looks beautiful.

She adơрted Zeka and sharеd his photos on Facebook, which is how she found out about the “Super Heroes Animal Hydrocephalus Society.”

Lisa is the founder of the Super Heroes Animal Hydrocephalus Society, which helps animals born with water on the brain, and it was agreed with Nancy that they would travel to New York to see Zeke. That marked the beginning of their adventure from Texas!

Zeke has been well cared for, and his disability no longer hinders him. He interacts with other cats and jumps when his legs don’t work as well as others’.

And, best of all, he met a fantastic buddy at the Super Heroes Animal Hydrocephalus Society: the cat Superhero, who was born with the same brain ailment as Zeke.

Zeke is fortunate in that his new owner adores him, and he now has the opportunity to live a normal, happy life.


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