Cat with “Tough Guy Look” Turns Out to Be the Sweetest Teddy Bear

Mason the cat was brought to Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation (in Virginia) from a rural shelter in North Carolina. He was covered in battle scars, had one withered ear and a host of health issues.

Jen, a foster volunteer of the rescue, was told that Mason had a “rough exterior.” When she went to see him, she was shocked by his condition.

“Both of his ears are deformed and tattered. He has massive scars on both sides of his face, a raging upper respiratory infection and broken and rotting teeth. His fur is falling out in clumps and he has swelling in one of his legs,” Jen shared with Love Meow.

Despite it all, Mason leaned over to Jen’s hand when she reached out to pet him. It was clear from the start that he wanted to live, and that he wanted someone to love.

Jen took him home to foster so he could start his healing process in a comfortable place. “When he arrived, he was greasy, congested, underweight, and timid. He would hide when he heard us coming and just peek out until he determined you were safe. Once he’s made that decision though, he’s on you like static cling.”

While Mason was still recovering, he was an exceptionally sweet cat and just wanted to be doted on. He craved being petted, brushed and talked to, all the time.

As soon as Jen sat on the couch, he came running for snuggles, and even engaged in many meaningful conversations.

“Mason has discovered that pets are pretty much the greatest thing ever, and he will soak up all the cuddles (including belly rubs) for as long as you’re willing to dispense them,” Jen said.

“He may look like a scrappy tough guy, but he is really a sweet, gentle, little old teddy bear who wants nothing more than to be loved and pet.”


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