A Young Cat Became A Mother But She Was Lucky She And Her Kittens Were Picked Up On Time

Even on the street, a young cat gave birth at the age of eight months. That the animal rights activists brought her to the Chatons Orphelins shelter in Montréal is a positive thing (Canada).

However, because of stress in a new place, the poor animal lost her milk. She lost two of her babies.

Others also put their lives in danger. The activists moved the fluffy family there after quickly locating a house for overexposure.

A cat named Milka was emaciated, tired, but joyfully caressed people. She liked the new place.

The weight range of the kittens was 86–110 g. Because the mother had been under stress while pregnant, their color was variable.

Volunteer Dorothy, the overexposure’s hostess, personally saw to it that the cat mother routinely fed her kittens.

Despite being worn out, Milka handled her motherly duties well.

The first few days after the housewarming party, she had to sleep hard, but she did not forget about the children either.

And then her milk again disappeared, and even her appetite. Ultrasound showed the presence of fluid in the uterus – surgery was needed.

The kittens were moved to 24-hour breast feeding after the cat was admitted to the hospital. Thankfully, Milka’s surgery was successful; her milk production returned, she started eating, and she felt almost normal.

She gradually relaxed over the course of three days, even starting to play.


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