Pint-sized Kitten “Glowing Up” into Gorgeous Siamese After Being Brought Back to Life

Amber Spencer, a fosterer of Perth Rescue Angels, was at the vet to say goodbyes to her beloved 20-year-old foster cat Nancy, when she learned about a litter of kittens needing urgent help.

“My sweet girl Nancy is the only reason I met them that day. I decided I had to take them,” Amber shared with Love Meow. “The kittens came in from a less than ideal home through one of our local rangers.”

Amongst the surviving kittens, Wasp, a Siamese mix, was the tiniest of the bunch. She was severely dehydrated, anemic and emaciated. Despite all the odds stacked up against her, she was hanging in with all her might.

At six weeks old, Wasp was just the size of a one-week-old kitten. “When they arrived, Wasp was the smallest weighing 120 grams, with the biggest being her brother who was 220 grams.”

Amber fed them every hour with supportive care and was determined to nurse them back to health. It was touch and go from the beginning despite the painstaking care from their foster mom.

“Three days after I picked them up, I spent the entire day at our vet clinic stabilizing them and monitoring them with the help of the fantastic team at Best Friends Family Vet,” Amber told Love Meow.

Wasp had a hard time making gains due to a host of health issues. It became clear that she would need one-on-one intensive care. The little warrior kitty continued to try to get better with every ounce of strength that she had.

Amber cheered her on at each feeding, and showered her with all the snuggles she could possibly supply. She didn’t know if the kitten would pull through, but she saw the fight in her eyes and knew Wasp wanted to live.

“The first time I truly realized she was going to be okay was when one morning I looked at her, and it just hit me how much she’d filled into her face and body. She just looked like a different kitten,” Amber shared with Love Meow.

As soon as Wasp got some energy in her feet, she began to explore and even try to run around her pen with her larger siblings.

“She was always the first to greet me and make her silent little meows. She just had so much personality, and I was truly in awe of her.”


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