Kitten Captured Hearts with Her Fuzzy Hair and Tiny Squeaks After Being Rescued With Her Sister

Sara Tiedeman, a vet tech from California, took in a pair of kittens needing critical care. “They were transferred to the rescue I work with from another organization who didn’t have a foster home available for them,” Sara told Love Meow.

Sara who specializes in neonatal and critical care kittens, took them on right away. The kittens were frail and just skin and bones. “Wild (the smaller grey kitten with very fuzzy hair) was very underweight and underdeveloped. Brave (the brown tabby) was limp and nearly unresponsive.”

She began tube-feeding the kittens around the clock to get vital nutrients into their tiny bellies. Not only did the feline sisters start to perk up, but Wild the fuzzy kitty even found her squeaky voice and didn’t hesitate to use it. She figured out how to latch onto a bottle after just a couple of days.

With feedings every two hours and rigorous supportive care, the duo bounced back on their paws. Wild started moving around her nest with her new-found energy, checking out her surroundings.

Brave the tabby was too weak to lift her head when she first arrived, but with good food, supplements, fluids and lots of TLC, she made great strides. It took her longer to figure out her bottle, but she was so happy to be loved on by her caretaker.

“They are both such tough girls. They were very strong during such a hard time in their life.”

Wild was the smaller of the two, but a few feedings later, she was up on her feet and her appetite soared. She was able to eat her full meal on her own and started to really fill out.

“Wild is very mature for her age, she likes to observe her surroundings and keep an eye on everyone. Brave is just a bundle of love! After every feeding I cup her in my hands and give her kisses, every time she wiggles onto her back in happiness,” Sara shared with Love Meow.

“They are both very special little ladies.”


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