Kitten Sneaks into a Yard to Seek Help and Turns into the Sweetest Lap Cat

About a month ago, a little orange tabby showed up crying in a resident’s backyard and wandered to their porch. His eyes were covered in crust and his breathing was labored.

The kitten was in poor shape and desperately needed medical attention. The homeowner wasn’t able to catch the tabby, so she reached out to her rescue community for assistance.

Ella, a volunteer, responded to the plea and was able to bring the kitten to safety. She wrapped him up in a towel to comfort him while Josie, another volunteer, arranged a rescue to help the little guy.

After a rough start in life, the kitten was transported to Chatons Orphelins Montréal, where he was checked out by a vet. He could finally be on the mend in the comfort of a foster home.

“We named the kitten Mabrouk. He was barely 10 weeks old and quite sick. He had trouble breathing and was put on antibiotics,” Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal told Love Meow.

“I believe he knew that he needed help and wandered to the backyard that day.”

Mabrouk quickly warmed up to his foster family and just wanted to be loved. He would seek out a warm lap or snuggle up to his humans, so he could be accompanied at all times.


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