Kitten Cries His Way into the Arms of Affectionate Cat After He Was Found Under Car in a Box

A few days ago, Magdalena Jaźwińska from Poland received a phone call from the veterinary clinic that she works at, about a kitten needing help.

“The staff know that I take care of orphan kittens, so they told me that a man had brought in two kittens in a carton box,” Magdalena told Love Meow.

The box was spotted under a vehicle right next to a wheel. The man heard the kittens crying and followed the sound to their whereabouts before it was too late.

“If it weren’t because of their screaming inside the box, the man wouldn’t have found them before starting the car.”

The kittens were very malnourished and underweight when they arrived at the clinic. Despite their best efforts to save them both, one of the kittens sadly didn’t make it. The remaining orange tabby hung on with all his fight.

“He was about three weeks old, but just the size of a 2-week-old kitten.”

The orange kitten named Mezo came home with Magdalena, so he could receive round-the-clock feedings, supportive care and all the TLC he needed to thrive. The little ball of fur cried nonstop and soon caught the attention of the resident cat, Malaika.

The sweet cat heard the kitten’s meows and came running. As a rescue herself, Malaika holds a soft spot for kittens in need.

After a few sniffs around Mezo’s face and a gentle nudge on his nose, she decided to take over the grooming and cuddling duties from that point on. She would wrap her arms around him and bathe him from head to tail.

“She loves all the orphan kittens but she picks her favorites, and Mezo is definitely her favorite of all. Every time, he wants to cuddle, she is right there to hug him.”

Mezo is over the moon to have a cat dote on him and let him nuzzle into her arms for comfort. He is showered with love and cuddles, and never alone during nap time.


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