Kittens Found Crawling on Gravel Road, Now Getting Plenty of Hugs and a Chance to Run and Jump

A few months ago, two tiny kittens were found abandoned on a hot gravel road by a kind-hearted neighbor who couldn’t stand the thought of leaving them in traffic.

“The babies were brought to Salem Friends of Felines (SFOF) for evaluation, and upon arrival the staff noted that both kittens had what appeared to be severe congenital deformities,” SFOF shared with Love Meow.

Laura Burmood, an experienced foster carer of the rescue, took them in and provided round-the-clock care. “They thrived in her home until they were big enough to be weaned.”

The kittens, Jack and Jill, were seen by multiple veterinarians for physical therapy, massage, and leg splinting, but none of those methods were successful.

“It became obvious that Jack and Jill required expert care,” SFOF added.

They decided to take the pair to the Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine for orthopedic consults, where the kittens were finally able to be properly diagnosed.

Jill was born with a severely rotated and displaced left kneecap, which caused the bones to grow incorrectly, and the entire leg to be rotated completely behind her since birth.

“It affected her balance and she tried to compensate with her tail. In a fairly short time, she developed prominent curve in her spine, her hips sunk and she was more dragging her back than walking,” Gordana Nichols, a SFOF foster volunteer, shared.

Jill was always in good spirits and a cuddle-bug from the start.


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