Kitten Who Needs Constant Company, Convinces Porch Cat to Come Inside the House

A little orange and white kitten was found by a Good Samaritan and brought to Firehouse Animal Health Center in Leander, Texas. He was covered in fleas and ear mites, and had a wormy belly.

Despite it all, the kitten named Garfield was a love-bug from the start. He meowed constantly for attention and just wanted to be petted. The rescue reached out to Megyn at Kitten Konnoisseur as the kitten needed foster care.

“He’s now part of the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter’s foster program,” Megyn shared with Love Meow. “This guy is just a bundle of love. He prefers to eat with company. All he wants to do is cuddle.”

Garfield is always on the lookout for attention. He will meow all around the house until he gets what he desires. When he curls up on a warm lap, he’d reach out his paw so he can hold hands with his people or another furry friend.

A few days after arrival, Garfield noticed an orange tabby on the porch and was determined to befriend him.

The porch kitty named Pickles is a semi-feral cat who found Megyn many years ago, in poor shape. They nursed him back to health and gave him the dental care that he desperately needed. “Pickles has a tipped ear and was most likely part of a feral colony.”

The tabby cat couldn’t tolerate being inside the house, so decided to make their porch and yard his kingdom. “Being indoors makes him anxious. We are lucky to have a safe yard for him to live in.”

The door is always open for Pickles but he very much enjoys his comfortable porch life. Once Garfield was healthy, he began going around the house seeking cuddles from everyone. He found Pickles the porch cat and tried to get his attention, too.

One thing led to another, Megyn was surprised to find Pickles sharing the couch with the kitten in the house.


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