Drama Queen Cat Fakes Injury To Get Insiide And Warms Hearts

Cats seem to have this very special ability to fool everyone, and I am very sure we have so many cat-lovers here to confirm it.

However, this adorable feline might be the most cunning cat that ever existed. The reason? Well, her very particular way to let the owners know she’s tired of fresh air, and she wants inside. Nevertheless her humans know her trick very well, they always fall into her trap.

Recently, they even caught her on camera and the result is a pure animal-humour moment.

This tabby cat truly does know how to go into the home despite the fact that her door is closed, making this a true queen-drama. The cunning cat pretends to be hurt and puts on a downcast expression while her difficult-to-impress (as she would like to believe) mother watches her through the glass window.

The woman may be heard asking, “Something wrong with your paw Susan?” As you can expect, she was successful quite quickly, and her mother had no choice than to allow her in. However, as soon as she enters, her limp mysteriously goes away!

Susan’s mom decided to shared the comical video online, and shorty after, her Oscar-worthy performance went viral. But as it turned out from the viewers comments, Susan isn’t the only cat in the world able to fake an injury, only to get what they want. Nonetheless, her performance would make even the famous actors jealous.

Take a look!


If you cannot access the video above, take a look at this one!


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