Cat Found in Basemen With 4 Kittens in a Laundry Basket By Person Cleaning a Vacant Home

Lori White, a volunteer of Alliance for Responsible Pet Ownership (ARPO), an animal rescue in Indiana, was contacted about a feline family of five (a mother and her four kittens) found inside a vacant home.

When a Good Samaritan who had been hired to clean the property, walked into the basement, she couldn’t believe what she saw. “She found a cat and her babies in a laundry basket with no food or water to be found in the house,” Lori shared with Love Meow.

“The house was locked with a lockbox so I don’t know how long they were left there.”

Knowing that the cat needed help and a safe place to raise her litter, the finder sprang into action. “She scooped them up and took them home to feed the mom and work on finding a rescue to take them.”

The tabby cat was very thin and hungry, but so elated to have food and a clean nest at last. She scarfed down all that she could fit into her belly, and checked out her temporary nestling area before lying down to feed her demanding four.

Her kittens were all in good shape, clean and healthy, showing that their mom had been taking great care of them. The finder reached out to her local shelter, and ARPO stepped up to their rescue.

“She dropped them off to me and I was thankful she took the time to help them and took action to get them safe,” Lori told Love Meow.

The tabby cat was very friendly upon arrival. After doing a bit of exploring around her new digs, she called to her kittens for snack time. Soon, the room was filled with a symphony of purrs and suckling sounds.


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