Kitten with a ‘Frown’ Comes to Woman’s Home and Grows Up to Be a Small Cat with a Big Cattitude

A litter of kittens were brought into the Carroll County Humane Society in Tennessee, needing foster care. They were about 4-5 weeks old and one of them was significantly smaller.

As it turned out, the runt of the litter was the only one born with dwarfism. Her siblings were on par with their growth. “However, there was an obvious difference with her,” Michelle Roberts, a foster volunteer of the rescue, told Love Meow.

“She was smaller and weighed less than the other cats. She also had that ‘grumpy cat’ face that I have noticed in other dwarf cats.”

Michelle was asked if she could foster the kittens, and she didn’t hesitate to take them in. The tiniest fur baby named Widget gazed up at Michelle with the most “disapproving” look when they first met, and immediately commanded her attention.

“I instantly fell in love with her before I even met her. Once I saw her in person, I was completely smitten,” Michelle told Love Meow.

Over the next 1-2 weeks, her littermates grew by leaps and bounds, while Widget took her time making small progress each day. Her little “frowny” face became more pronounced, and her cattitude bloomed.

“I instantly fell in love with her before I even met her. Once I saw her in person, I was completely smitten,” Michelle told Love Meow.

Over the next 1-2 weeks, her littermates grew by leaps and bounds, while Widget took her time making small progress each day. Her little “frowny” face became more pronounced, and her cattitude bloomed.

Widget enjoyed snuggling with her foster mom (even though her face said “no”) and being catered to like a little princess. With each passing day, Michelle found herself falling even more in love with the little girl.

Within a few weeks, her siblings were all adopted into forever homes. “Since I was Widget’s foster mom, they did allow me to be first in line to adopt her.”


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