Nobody Is Ready To Adopt This Cute Kitten With The Squishy Face

Meet Kaya — a sweet little kitten with a face that could melt even the coldest heart.

Kaya was born with a congenital facial abnormality which gives her a squishy, grumpy expression. And once Odelkis Barrera, founder of the TO Rescue The Ontario Rescue, saw a photo of Kaya’s unique face, she knew she had to help the little kitten.

In July, a kind person discovered Kaya outdoors and requested help from TO Rescue. The 4-week-old kitten had ticks, fleas, and dehydration in addition to malnutrition.

The skinny little kitten gradually put on weight while in the care of Barrera and Kaya’s foster parents, and her wonderful personality began to emerge. She is vivacious and outgoing, TO Rescue said on Facebook. She is extremely intelligent and solely desires human contact and holding.

In July, a kind person discovered Kaya outdoors and requested help from TO Rescue. The 4-week-old kitten had ticks, fleas, and dehydration in addition to malnutrition.

The skinny little kitten gradually put on weight while in the care of Barrera and Kaya’s foster parents, and her wonderful personality began to emerge. She is vivacious and outgoing, TO Rescue said on Facebook. She is extremely intelligent and solely desires human contact and holding.

When Kaya isn’t cuddling with her foster parents, she’s playing with her all-time favorite toy, a cardboard box. Kaya spends a lot of time playing in her box, according to the rescue. She definitely keeps herself busy! She is such a sweet young lady.

Now, at 5-and-a-half-months old, the only thing Kaya wants is to find a loving forever home. But as of last week, she hadn’t received a single adoption application.

Kaya recently had surgery to help her see better and relieve some discomfort in her eyes. While her eyesight isn’t the best, she’s learned how to get around easily, and can always spot when there’s another dog, cat or human nearby, ready to be her playmate.

The rescue finds it incomprehensible that anybody would turn down the chance to welcome this adorable, unique tabby into their home.

According to Barrera, “We want a wonderful atmosphere and a household that could devote the time to her that she requires.” She enjoys playing with other dogs and cats and gets comfort in doing so, so she would get along well with other animals. She also wants someone who is committed to the long run.

While Kaya is anxious to find a loving forever home, she knows that she’s one cool cat — even if it’s taking the rest of the world a little longer to realize.


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