Woman Notices Backpack Left On Steps With Two Tiny Ears Protruding

As he was strolling through the Bronx, a Good Samaritan saw something peculiar.

Two little gray ears could just be made out of the top of a rucksack that had been abandoned on the stairs of a building.

The person approached and saw an adoring cat left alone in the rucksack, zip-tied inside.

The cat, later named Pixie, was suffering from a bad cold and one of her eyes was in poor shape and needed to be removed. Luckily, she was quickly transported into the care of Little Wanderers, an organization that rescues needy cats in and around New York City.

“It’s unusual that a super friendly stray cat would be outside in a bookbag,” Lisa Scroggins, co-founder of Little Wanderers, told The Dodo.

Pixie isn’t just friendly — she’s cuddly and playful, and she purrs all the time. She was so happy to be out of the backpack and with people again.

“She’s a sugar-love-muffin-doll-face,” Scroggins said.

Organizations banded together in a miraculous display of solidarity to make sure Pixie recovered quickly. She received primary medical attention from the Feline Veterinary Medical Center and assistance with eye restoration from the Animal Medical Center.

Pixie still needed a place to call home where she belonged, though.

Fortunately, Pixie didn’t have to wait very long to find the ideal fit. When she got to her new house and met her cat sister, she immediately stopped feeling alone and unusual because her new sibling also had one eye.

Now, free from the confines of the backpack, Pixie gets to live with a family who loves and accepts her.

Never again will Pixie have to fear about being abandoned.

It was predestined, according to Scroggins. It was the ideal joyful conclusion.


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