Siblings Of Disabled Kittens Show That Love Makes Everything Possible

Able Maew was a stray cat who tried to survive on the streets of Lat Prao, Thailand few years ago. Sadly, Able lost his tail and two front legs in a fateful accident, so he had to relearn everything in his difficult condition.

Thankfully, some kind people saved him and helped him find a forever home. Now he has a loving home and nearly 175,000 followers on Instagram.

Able’s injuries resulted from an accident that occurred while he was chasing a bird across the roof of an apartment building. Unfortunately, he fell on a transformer, electrocuted, burned and near death.

Despite surviving from electric shock, but his legs and tail were damaged and irreparable. Luckily, a kind local woman took him to her home, nursed him and raised money for his surgery.

Able started to acclimate to his situation despite the lengthy and painful process of recovering after surgery. Able has been practicing for five years and is comfortable with his life. He has the same range of motion as a healthy, four-legged cat.

Able has a sister named FinFin who is paralyzed in her back legs. Much like her big brother, she is extremely fast and playful, so she tries to go around by shifting her paralyzed back legs off to the side and using her front legs to move to anywhere she wants.

In spite of their disabilities, they love to run, jump, play and wrestle just like any other pair of rambunctious rescue cats. We are happy to know that these lucky kitties never have to worry about where their next meal is coming from again.


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