After Three Years A Lost Cat Is Reunited With Her Family In A “Christmas miracle”

Christmas is a season of miracles, and one family is counting their blessings after reconnecting with an old friend just in time for the holidays.

Jessica Kelly, from Connecticut, has a cat named Jasmine who she adores. However, when the cat escaped and vanished from her house in 2018, she was distraught.

Jessica looked everywhere but found no trace of her beloved cat, and when she moved from Bristol to Meriden, it appeared that she had lost faith: “After about six months, when I moved out of town, I sort of lost hope,” Jessica told NBC Connecticut.

Jessica was established into her new house three years later, and she never expected to hear anything further about Jasmine.

But then she got a call that took her by surprise.

A call was received from a local cat rescue organization, Connecticut Cat Connection, concerning a stray cat that had been loitering near Jessica’s previous residence. The cat was taken to a shelter by volunteers, who discovered she had a microchip.

Jessica was found thanks to the registration information. The cat turned out to be Jasmine, who was recovered three years later.

Jessica was taken aback by the call, according to Beth, a volunteer at Connecticut Cat Connection, and “so much emotion poured through.”

Jessica told NBC Connecticut, “I broke down in tears because I had lost hope.” “However, I was overjoyed.”

Jessica and her son Giovanni have finally found their long-lost cat. Jasmine was underweight, had overgrown fur and nails, and was suffering from a respiratory ailment, but she is now healing.

Jessica claims that even after so much time away, the cat knew them, and the reunited family is now trying to make up for lost time – just in time for the holidays.

Jessica told NBC, “We said it’s very much like a Christmas miracle.”

We’re so glad that Jasmine is finally home safe and sound! Remember to get your pets microchipped — it can make miracles like this happen even after years apart.


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