Adorable Cute Fluffy Reunion For Rescued Kitten To Sick To Be With Littermates Thanks To Special Foster Mom

This week, four baby kittens were discovered on the side of the road in Seattle, Washington, on a cool Fall day.

The person who discovered them instantly determined that the litter was in poor health. They were all covered in filth, hungry, and suffering from eye problems.

Luckily only a couple hours away was a lady that fit the bill; the Youngest Old Cat Lady.

Ashley Morrison, who is 26 years old, has been fostering kittens with her mother since 2015. So far, the “amazing” pair has aided in the rescue of over 150 kittens!

Another mother/daughter team jumped in to help, driving the litter 2 hours to bring them to Ashley.

There were 2 little girls and 2 baby boys.

After cleaning the filth off the babies, they could see that one of the boys was suffering the most.
The poor boy was very malnourished and experiencing Coccidia, a common intestinal parasite that causes “tummy troubles”.


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