Tiny Kitten With Biig Eyes Fiinds New Family to Love After Being Rejected By His Motheer

Guinness appeared to be doomed to perish after only a month on the planet. The little kitten was rejected by its mother, who opted to concentrate on her other stronger and healthier offspring, leaving it to perish.

Fortunately, this small animal’s terrible beginning would lead to a lovely happy ending.

This palm-sized critter, which required 24-hour care, was taken in by Beth Walden, an animal rescuer from Florida, USA.

As soon as she met the tiny kitten, its size shocked her. At three weeks old, it was only the size of a newborn. All the volunteers at the animal shelter were amazed at how small he was. “I knew he was a little wrestler because he had been in the condition he was in for three weeks,” Beth shared.

The kitten was very fragile and had trouble getting food into its stomach, so Beth had to feed it the formula drop by drop with a lot of patience.

She also took care of his eye infection. They weren’t sure if his eyes could be preserved, but they were doing everything they could to assist him in his recovery.


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