Kittens Found In A Trash Pile Are Saved And Helped To Find Forever Homes By Rescuers

A kind neighbor heard meowing in a small spot between two buildings and discovered five kittens hiding in a mound of debris. To aid the kittens, the resident immediately contacted Hope For Paws, a non-profit animal shelter in California.

Hope For Paws is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending animal neglect, homelessness, and cruelty in the Los Angeles region and beyond. They not only rescue pets, but they also care for them, meet all of their medical needs, and either return them to their original homes or assist them in finding new ones!

Rescuers came on the spot as soon as they received the call to save the kittens. Because the rescuers had to clamber over a barbed wire-topped wall and sift through a pile of rubbish in a tiny gap between two walls, it took considerable physical strength. They grabbed the kittens with a thick cargo blanket and gloves and carried them out. Thankfully, the kittens were unharmed.

The kittens were saved and put into their new permanent homes as a result of this rescue. Instead of attempting to trespass, please notify your local rescue or authorities if you come across animals in need. This might be harmful to you or the animals.

Here’s the whole video of the kittens’ rescue!

Check out Hope for Paws on YouTube if you want to see more great rescues. Their animal rescue movies seek to create public awareness and educate the public about the value of animals in our lives.

Please feel free to share and leave your ideas in the comments!


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