A little kitten with lovely hues was discovered by a North Carolina homeowner not far from his home. The mother cat left with the cub after waiting for several hours. The infant was carried inside by a nice individual so that she may spend the night without danger. When he realized that he couldn’t take care of the kitten properly, he went to the local chapter of Sparkle Cat Rescue from Burlington (North Carolina).
A volunteer for foster care named Sarah Kelly came to their aid. The kitten needed medical attention because of severe eye irritation. Sarah hurried to grab the child after dropping everything else. The little girl purred as she entered Sarah’s car and started to contact with her front paws.
The necessary medicines and round-the-clock feeding through the nipple did their job – the kitten became better. After a couple of days, along with the clearing of her eyes, she developed an appetite.

The girl fell in love with “kneading the dough” from the very beginning, she blissfully fingered with her paws, seeing anyone nearby. She was aptly named Julia after pastry chef Julia Child.
“She is still doing well, kneading dough and meowing,” Sarah comments. – A girl with character and very sweet. She loves formula almost as much as she loves kneading dough.”
The Moon and the Sun adore their little step sister. Together they make a charming tricolor trio.
Julia glances at her sisters and tries to keep up with them in games and pranks.
The little, restless paws of the cutie-dough-maker still make people smile. She is content to live her life in the company of her dear friends rather than by herself.