Blind Cat Who Has Spent Her Entire Life Looking For A Cozy Home Gives Her Three Babies To A Family
A cat family in in need of care was approached by the Coastal Bend Cat Rescue (CBCR) in Corpus Christi, Texas. When her son paid them a…

Adorable Cats Can’t Stop Showing How They Love Each Other After A Few Days Apart
Cats are known for their independence and mischievous tendencies. They don’t always get along with other people, dogs, or even one another. They have no regard for…

After Living On The Streets For Years This Cat Has Finally Found A Reason To Smile Once Again
This 6-year-old alley cat was found strolling around a Montreal, Canada neighborhood. This cat, who has spent many years living on the streets, has no reason to…

Kittens With Crooked Legs Get Tiny Casts To Help Them Grow Healthy And Strong
The names of the six young kittens who were rescued by the Los Angeles-based charity Kitten Rescue from the East Valley Shelter in Van Nuys are Cabernet,…

A Newborn Cat Who Has Lost Her Whole Family Is Given A New Father By The Cat Who Also Aids In Saving Her Life
A day-old kitten that needed immediate medical attention was adopted by the Nova Cat Clinic a few weeks ago. This infant outlived all of her siblings. Volunteers…

After Seven Months Apart A Boy Finds His Lost Cat
People have a propensity to anthropomorphize and see their animals as people. They develop close bonds with their animals and adore them, treating them as members of…

After Being Adopted A Blind Abandoned Kitten is Unable To Stop Hugging Her New Father
A kitten by the name of June was discovered as a stray in the South African town of Hout Bay in November of last year. Domestic Animal…

Three Abandoned Kittens in Need Of A New Mom Were Reunited With Momma Cat Who Had Lost Her Three Kittens
Sadly, the three kittens that 8-month-old Mikey gave birth to were all born prematurely and passed away from weakness. But even the most gloomiest time might turn…

The Kitten Is Adopted By Rescue Bunny Who Later Becomes Her Best Friend
Echo and Ahsoka immediately bonded well. The 12-week-old kitten and the 5-year-old rescue rabbit spend most of their days together. Although Ahsoka had her own feline siblings,…

Cat Is Taken To A Rescue Organization For Help And A Few Days Later She Gives Birth TO Six Kittens
Excellent friends A Brisbane cat rescue called Felines after receiving a call from a woman who wanted help with her pregnant cat. She was accepted into the…