After His Mother’s Awahy A Cat Is Seen On Camera Calming His Scared Btother
Nosey was quite distant when he first met his family. Although he has always been a solitary cat, his mother believed he could gain from having…

This Cute White Cat In The Clouds Has Everyone’s Attentiion
This is Clyde — a sweet white cat with a larger-than-life personality. It’s not an easy quality to capture in photos. But by pure accident, Clyde’s owner…

Kittens From Several Litters Come Together And Resolve Not To Ever Be Apart
Sophie, an English girl, welcomed Lola, a tabby cat that was very affectionate and kind from the beginning, into her house and immediately made it her own….

The Cat That Works At The Zoo Insists On Petting Every Patient
Meet Bea, a cat with the ability to lift everyone’s spirits. She even possesses what some may call a “healing touch,” Bea is one of six cats…

The Cutest Looking Cat Is Glad To Be Recovering After Being Abandoned
A couple from California, USA, came upon an аbаndоnеd cat in a neighborhood with the cutest face. When they first fed him, they saw that his nose…

Friendly Kitten Discovered By Man in His Garage While Repairing His Jeep
Little did photographer Steve Hamel realize it would be the beginning of a great trip when he worked on his jeep in his garage in late December…

After A Traumatic 40 Hours In A Drainpipe The Kitten Reunites Its Mother
Rescuers from Catsnip, Etc. in Elkhart, Indiana, responded quickly to a report about a mother cat who had given birth in a storm drain. But as spectators…

The Homeless Cat Shakes Its Head Charming Everyone With Its Beauty
A little black and white kitten asked help from the Odd Cat Sanctuary in Massachusetts earlier this month. He was first brought to the shelter’s clinic, where…

The Stray Cat Refused Help Until Rescuers Discovered Her Babies
Amber of Amber’s Animal Advocacy saw a starving stray cat searching for food close to residences in Burlington, North Carolina, late last month. Stephanie at Sparkle Cat…

Before Meeting The New Baby Cat Was Never A Big Cuddler
Grace is a cute cat who was rescued from a shelter five years ago. Although she absolutely loves her family, she’s also very independent and aloof sometimes….