Adorable Kitten With Teddy Bear Ears Twisted Legs Touches Hearts
When Baby Spool was taken to Los Angeles-based animal rights campaigners Friends for Life Rescue Network, she was immediately a warrior. The girl’s front paws have been…

Three Forlorn Kittens Were Brought Home By A Sterilized Cat These Are Not Her Children
Barb Gosselin, the founder of Shuswap Paws Rescue, received a call from a small Canadian community three months ago. The caller mentioned three kittens in need of…

Tough Guy Cat Proves To Be A Sweet old Teddy Bear To His Rescuers
Jen Boger was browsing shelter animal profiles when she came across a photo of Mason, a scrawny elderly cat with a “tough man” expression. Boger, who helps…

A kitten Girl Was Found Alone And Now She Has Two New Sisters Her Desires Have Come True
A North Carolina resident discovered a little kitten with lovely hues near his home. The mother cat never returned for the youngster after several hours of waiting….

When Cat Meets A kItten At Home She Is Desperate To Win Her Love And Raise Her
“Simin,” the slave, has a one-year-old tabby cat named “Titak.” It’s a really active cat. Every day, he wants the attention of the slave and despises being…

Kitten With Fading While Beard Regains His Footing
Shelby Forpe, founder of Shelby’s Cat Safehouse (in Portland, Oregon), took a little kitten named Flower to her intensive care unit late last month. “A vet buddy…

The Weakened Paim Sized Kitten Olimbs To Life With The Help Of The Adoptive Mother
Kind individuals sitting at home two and a half months ago heard what sounded like a cat whimpering outdoors and went outside to investigate. A lone cat…

Until He Found His Forever Home This Cuddly Cat Was Abandonned Four Times
Meet James Bean, a stunning black and white tuxedo cat with large green eyes that only wants to be loved and cared for by his human. Despite…

In The Hospital A Blind Cat Comforts His Sick Grandmother
Donny was discovered as a kitten wandering around a parking lot, unwell and in dire need of assistance. He was rescued by the North Shore Animal League…

Squeaking Was Hardly Audible From The will Kitten The Girl Who Was Merely Passing By Determined To Save His Live Regardless Of The Consequences
The little kitten was on the verge of passing away in front of everyone… He screamed gently on the ground, matted and filthy, with rotting unseeing eyes,…