With Its Paws The Cat Invites People To Enter Through The Glass Door Because He Wants To Be Taken Home
The Lollypop Farm animal rights activists in Fairport, New York, discovered a lovely two-year-old red-striped cat named Bardak there for the second time. He does not live…

It’s Adorable That The Owner Caught The Cat Eating Cake On His Birthday
Cake and kitties are the best things ever, right? There’s hardly much, maybe just a cat eating cake! You can see for yourself in the pictures below…

Cat Found Hanging Onto Costructiion Stones Outside now Can Snuggle Soft Blankets Every Day
A few months ago, Alina Lazaryeva of Kuwait Animal Aid, received a message about a cat that had been found at a construction site. The cat named Yellow…

14-Year-old Cat Finds The Perfect Companion To Sped Hiss Golden Years
A 14-year-old gray cat was taken to the Friends of Anne Arundel County Animal Care & Control shelter in Maryland (United States). The cat was really lovely…

Sammy Who Was 19 years Old When He Asked Man To Take Him Home Now he Celebrates His 20th biirthday
Purrfect Pals Cat Sanctuary and Adoption Centers in Arlington, Washington, rescued an pretty cat 18-year-old cat from a public shelter so he could have a chance at…

Cross Eyed Kitty Found His Way From Roamiing The Streets To Living The Best Life
A sweet cross-eyed kitty eventually figured out how to get off the streets, and today he lives happily with a family that provides him with lots of…

A Cat Made Friends With A wild Lynx iin a Zoo And Now They ve Been Inseparable For 12 years
A lynx named Linda was born at the Leningrad Zoo in June 2007. Sometime later, a cat called Dusya also settled into Linda’s enclosure. Now they’ve been…

A Special Kitten Becomes Her Mom’s Soulmate As She Ages
Smush was a raggedy street kitten, who was abandoned by her owners and left to fend for herself. Thankfully, a lovely woman named Shannon Jackson came to…

Cat With 4 Ears Fiinds Forever Home After Beiing Rejected By Everyone Else.
Every pet has a story but not all stories are created equally. For Yoda, his life began with rejection courtesy of his peculiar appearance. Yoda was born…

Cat Celebrates His 31st christmas, making him 141 in cat years
26 yeɑrs ɑgᴏ ɑ cᴏuple wɑs chᴏsen ƅy ɑ 5-yeɑr-ᴏld strɑy cɑt in their ƅɑckyɑrd. Since then, he’s ƅeen ɑn impᴏrtɑnt pɑrt ᴏf their fɑmily. Tᴏdɑy, he’s…