Woman calls sweater at Target ‘deeply offensive’ and Target responds: get over it

Lately there are many customers who feel offended by the products that different brands choose to sell and many brands are fined for this.

Probably everyone has heard of Target because it is one of the largest clothing stores in the US. Target has decided to sell a product that has a rather strange design, at least for some people. However, this has been found in other stores.

What exactly is it about? It seems that a woman who regularly goes to Target to do her shopping was offended by the design on certain T-shirts that the store sold.

Reign Murphy was really bothered by this because she decided to show her dissatisfaction on social media so she posted on Twitter that she is offended by the design of some t-shirts that Target sells and she considers it completely inappropriate from the store. Reign photographed the product for people to see what she was referring to when she said it was inappropriate and offensive.

On the T-shirts was written “OCD Christmas obsessive-compulsive disorder”, and the woman says that this message is offensive to people who really suffer from this disease that can be quite serious and can affect the activities of a human in daily life.

OCD is a psychological disorder that roughly 2.2 million Americans suffer from. Many people with OCD have told their story on social media and it is easy to realize that it is a difficult disease. For this reason the woman did not agree with the message on the shirts and believes that it should not be sold in any store, especially in a store as large and famous as Target where a lot of people come every day to do thier shopping. Many people on Twitter agreed with her post.

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