This 75-Year-Old Artist Creates Edits Of Bushes In Honor Of His Deceased Cat

There are so many ways to commemorate your late pets: printing out the most beloved photos and hanging them on the wall, getting tattoos, setting a nice and warm space in the room and gathering all their memorable stuff around, or donating to the charity under their name. Our furry companions who have come over the Rainbow Bridge must have affected and changed your life ever since so they do deserve to have a certain room on the bottom of our hearts. 75-Year-Old surrealist Richard Saunders was heartbroken when his Russian Blue cat Tolly was gone forever, he. decided to turn his cat into a vivid, immortal mascot: a plain hedge was replaced with incredibly sculpted bushes! How amazing and artistic they were! People thought his works were hand-made but the interesting point was he had done these manipulative masterpieces by Photoshop that he had learned for over 2 decades. Richard didn’t feel enough actually, he also had novel books, 3D cards, puzzles, and even had podcasts about his sweet cat. The Topiary Cat was born and still going on. “The idea of creating The Topiary Cat, over eight years ago, while Tolly was still alive, was easily accomplished with skills I already knew. The images have become more complicated since, many taking days to produce, with tailor-made photos taken especially for them.” – He said. Every photo is published amazes people with skillful techniques, surreal facial expressions of Tolly, and the heartwarming gratitude of Richard for his cat. Scroll down and feel the strong reminiscence of Richard, Tolly will be surely happy in heaven!




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