Cat Finds Out Why You Shouldn;t Sleep On The Garage Door

We hope Bella the cat will be a little more careful about where she rests in the future.

Late last month, Deputy Mike Scott of the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office was asked to assist the grey and white cat who had been discovered at home in Louisiana in the midst of a pretty peculiar situation. (And it turns out that her bad decision in where to sleep is probably to blame.)

In a Facebook post, Deputy Scott stated that “a cat had been wedged between a garage door of a property and the wall.” I had never in all my years anticipated seeing what I did when I arrived.

Bella appeared to be somewhat uneasy.

No one was home at the time, but it’s believed that Bella had been sleeping up on the garage door when it was open and horizontal. It was when her owner departed, closing the door, that Bella’s troubles began.

Fortunately, her problem didn’t go unnoticed.

Neighbors had spotted the cat, called for help, and were on hand to assist Deputy Scott in her rescue. They were able to remove the moulding around the doorframe to gently pull Bella to safety. Her owner, unaware of what had happened, arrived home a short time after.

Incredibly, after a close examination, Bella was found to be uninjured – albeit, perhaps a little embarrassed.

In the end, Bella’s alarming predicament had a happier conclusion than anyone could have imagined because of those rescuers who took the time to help.


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