Here is the fat burning soup that allows you to lose 4 kg in a week

Coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, a hearty diet can lead to considerable weight gain. Obesity can be the cause of many diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and hypertension. To regain your healthy weight, it is essential to favor healthy and dietary meals while having sustained physical activity. This soup recipe is ideal for stimulating the feeling of satiety, essential for resisting cravings. And for good reason, this soup contains ingredients with formidable dietary properties. We tell you more in our nutrition and recipes section.
A period of neglect can have a lasting impact on your figure and cause unsightly bulges. To get back in control, it is essential to establish new eating habits coupled with the resumption of sustained physical activity. This diet soup recipe is ideal for burning fat in depth and includes, among other things, onion, cabbage and parsley, all ingredients with slimming and detoxifying properties that will allow you to boost your weight loss.
Onion, your slimming partner
With a contribution of 43 calories per 100 grams, onion is a preferred vegetable to combat excess weight. Diuretic and regulator of insulin levels, it is ideal for fighting cellulite. According to the conclusions of this scientific experiment published in the journal Nutrients, the onion acts by inhibiting the formation of fats thanks to its cysteine ​​sulfoxide. So many reasons to favor vegetables in seasoning balanced dishes.
The benefits of parsley

Parsley, a dietary plant

–1 tomato cut into cubes
– 2 carrots cut into slices

– 1 onion cut into cubes
– 1 bunch of celery

– 150 g of green beans

– 1 cabbage cut into strips

– 3 sprigs of parsley

– 1 teaspoon of curry powder

– A pinch of salt
– A pinch of pepper

Place all the ingredients in the pot

– Cover the container with water and bring to the boil

– Mix while boiling for 10 minutes

– Reduce the heat and simmer the soup until the vegetables are tender.

Course of the cabbage soup diet: (you can eat soup as much as you want, respecting the instructions for each day)

First day:
Consume fruits as much as you like except bananas

Second day:
Consume vegetables as desired except corn and potatoes

Third day:
Consume vegetables and fruits as desired except for the restrictions of the previous days

Fourth day:
Consume soup only
Fifth day:
You can add grilled turkey and fish as an accompaniment to the soup
Sixth day:
Consume fruits and meat as an accompaniment to the soup

Seventh day:
Eat vegetables and brown rice as an accompaniment to soup

In order for the results of this slimming treatment to last over time, it is essential to return to a balanced diet low in fat and sugar, accompanied by regular physical activity and to hydrate properly.

As a reminder, it is essential to notify your doctor before starting a slimming treatment.

Cabbage and parsley are contraindicated when taking anticoagulant treatment.

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