The easiest, neatest way to make bacon

Are you a bacon lover looking for the easiest and neatest way to prepare this crispy delight? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through a simple yet delicious bacon-making process that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

Preparing Your Bacon

To begin, follow these steps:

  1. Cut the Bacon in Half: Start by taking a package of bacon (you can even do four packages from Costco at once) and cut it in half. This step will make it easier to handle and cook evenly.
  2. Separate the Slices: Once you’ve halved the bacon, gently pull the slices apart. This will prevent them from sticking together during cooking and ensure that each piece gets crispy.

Cooking to Perfection

Now, let’s move on to the cooking process:

  1. Place in a Pot: Take a suitable pot and place the separated bacon slices into it. Make sure the pot is large enough to accommodate all the bacon comfortably.
  2. Heat on High: Turn up the heat to high and start cooking the bacon. Be prepared to give it some attention, stirring occasionally to ensure even cooking.

The Magic of Bacon Fat

Here’s where the magic happens:

As the bacon cooks, the fat within it begins to melt and collect in the pot. This is what sets this method apart – the bacon essentially deep-fries in its own delicious fat.

Enjoy the Results

The final result is a batch of bacon that’s not only perfectly crispy but also incredibly flavorful. What’s more, this method eliminates those annoying spatters you often get when frying bacon in a pan.

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