Six New York boys put up with their classmates’ crude humor and mockery

The only way to help make this world a better place is to teach our children sympathy. When we care for one another, everything seems to fall into place.

Six siblings from New York, one 10-year-old, two twins, and a set of triplets, experienced the loss of a very close friend of theirs. The boy who died was battling cancer for some time, but sadly, lost the battle. While he was going through chemo treatments, his hair fell off. This made the siblings extremely sad. Their hearts were crushed when they learned their buddy passed away, so in his honor, they all decided to let their hair grow long so that they could donate it to others who are diagnosed with cancer just like their late friend.

They decided not to tell anyone about their plan. Not even their mom knew why they all refused to have their hair cut.

Sadly, as their hair grew longer and longer with each passing month, the teasing from their classmates became more and more frequent.

The siblings were called names and many told them that they resembled girls. But they didn’t care much because they knew they had a purpose and were determined to reach the goal they had in mind.

Finally, when the time came for them to donate their hair, they collected a combined 17 feet of hair. Impressive, isn’t it?

We are glad that such young children can be so loving and caring.

For more on their story go to the video below and make sure you SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook.


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